Jewish Synagogue Records on German Protestant Church Records Site Archion

This is not an exhaustive list. It is meant to encourage you to look around the site for Jewish Records.


On Search page enter Bayern (Bavaria). Click on Juden (Jews)

This produces a list of available document collections

Choose Geborene Hochzeiten Gestorbene 1812-1875 NOTE: "Israeliten"

from downloaded pdf

from downloaded pdf. NOTE: "Israeliten"

On Search page enter Alt Berlin. Click on Juden (Jews). Click Sonderbestande - Judenkartel Alt-Berlin


Archion Jewish Records Bad Wimpfen Wuerttemberg: "Judan"

Archion Jewish Records Bad Wimpfen Wuerttemberg: "Israelit"

from the town of Heilbronn, the Israelit family Lowenstein in 3 generations!

from the town of Heilbronn, the Israelit family Lowenstein in 3 generations!

Berwangen, Baden, Germany Jewish death records

Berwangen, Baden, Germany Jewish death records

Wurttemberg Muhlen am Neckar Jewish records 1855-75, BMD

Darmstadt Judenregister 1788-1808

Darmstadt Judenregister 1788-1808, image 270

Baden-Württemberg > Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart > Dekanat Ludwigsburg > Hochberg am Neckar > Familienregister angelegt 1808 Band 9, Bild 202

Baden-Württemberg > Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart > Dekanat Ludwigsburg > Hochberg am Neckar > Familienregister angelegt 1808
Band 9, Bild 202, images 202-206

Jewish Marriage 11 Feb. 1818
1757-1816, 1825, 1822
Mischbuch, p. 235 (image 122)

Bonfeld Totenregish (Death Register) 1812-1875, Band 3
Israelitischea Geminde, 20 pp

Juden Reg of Darmstadt, Hesse
in Lutheran 1728-1898
images 292-299, 269-

Another Resource:
Kingdom of Wurttemberg [and other volumes as well]
by Kevan M. Hansen
Oakland call number: 943 E7hk v.6

page 98
Although the Lutheran and Catholic churches claim the largest percentage of the population in Germany, other denominations can be found throughout the country. The presence, availability, and concentration of these minority religions vary from one region of Germany to another. Jewish and Reformed Lutheran records are among those most frequently found although other religions are also represented.
These minority religions are not always fully identified in the regional gazetteers making it difficult to determine which are available for each region. Although the following lists identify some of the minority religions in Wurttemberg-Neckarkreis, there may be other congregations not shown due to missing, inadequate, or difficult to decipher information in the gazetteers. In most instances the specific congregation or one of the regional archives can be contacted for each area. Some denominational specific archives are also available.
The local communities in Germany are represented by the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland with the local Wurttemberg federation located in Stuttgart.

Zentralrat der juden in Deutschland
Rungsdorferstrasse 6
5300 Bonn 2

Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Wurttembergs
Hospitalstrasse 36 -70174 Stuttgart

Bonfeld (OA Heilbronn) .........................................[film number].............FHL 1195662

Copyright 2023 San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society