EventsSFBAJGS - Calendar of Genealogical Events

Past Programs

Sunday, April 6, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

1:00 pm until 2:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: Oral History:  Interviewing Family Members

Speaker: Basya Petnick

The interview is an essential part of any oral history project. This presentation will focus on key questions about planning and conducting the interview itself. We will discuss defining the goals of your oral history project and then creating broad topics and questions to align with your stated goals. We will examine how an interview compares to a good conversation and how genealogy and oral history complement each other. Finally, we will review strategies and techniques for interviewing older individuals and the ethical considerations that are needed for your project.

Basya Petnick is the founder and owner of Books & Lives, which has received numerous commissions to conduct oral history projects in the Bay Area and beyond. She has partnered with the University of California at Berkeley on three projects focused on Jewish narrators and roughly a hundred other projects. For eight years, she served as co-director of the Legacy Oral History Program of the Museum of the Performance & Design, where she used oral history practices to document music, theater, and dance artists in the Bay Area. Petnick also served as Director of the 75th Anniversary Alumni Memoir Project for San Francisco Ballet.

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Monday, May 5, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

4:00 pm until 5:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: Using Archives to Fill the Gaps in Your Ancestor’s Timeline

Speaker: Melissa Barker

Do you have gaps of missing information in your ancestor’s timeline?  Using archives and the records they hold can fill in those gaps.  Learn about unique records that are found in archives that will help tell your ancestor’s story and add information to your ancestor’s timeline.

Melissa Barker is a Certified Archives Manager and Public Historian currently working at the Houston County, Tennessee Archives & Museum.  She is known as The Archive Lady in the genealogy community.  She writes a popular blog titled A Genealogist in the Archives.  She has been a professional genealogist for the past 19 years with expertise in Tennessee records.  She has been researching her own family history for the past 34 years.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Sunday, June 22, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

1:00 pm until 2:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: Canadian Resources for Jewish Genealogy

Speaker: Gary Perlman

The Genealogy Dashboard was created to assist searching the most commonly used resources for Jewish genealogy in Montreal.  It started as a list of resources and is now a tool that lets researchers explore more than 50 databases with one click per database.  This presentation will include a demonstration of the dashboard and in so doing will introduce many resources from Canadian Jewish genealogy.

Gary Perlman is the JGS Montreal Webmaster and chair of its cemetery committee.  He has taken more than 100,000 photographs of gravestones and has helped index about 80,000 records for JOWBR, the burial registry.  He was the 2020 IAJGS volunteer of the year.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Monday, July 14, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

4:00 am until 5:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: The JewishGen Yizkor Book Project

Speaker: Susan Rosin

The Yizkor Book Project, an integral part of JewishGen, facilitates translations of yizkor books and other research documents, digitization of books for Internet searches, and creation of tables of contents and necrologies for ease of searching for the names of relatives.  Susan Rosin, the JewishGen Press Publications Manager, will explain what she does to make these valuable books available to researchers in English.  If you have ever read a yizkor book in English about the town of your ancestors or read an essay about your ancestor, you know how valuable these books are for genealogical research.  To date hundreds of complete books have been translated and are online.

Born in Poland to two Holocaust survivors from the former Galicia (now part of Ukraine), Susan Rosin grew up in Israel.  She received a B.S. in Chemistry from the Technion in Haifa, Israel and an M.S. in Biochemistry from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.  After moving to the United States with her family, she became a software developer, retiring as a software development manager for a major financial company.  Inspired to start the genealogical research of her family by a (non-Jewish) coworker and hitting the proverbial “brick wall,” she decided to give back to JewishGen.  She translated the entire 700+-page yizkor book about her mother’s town (published in 2018) and then started on the book about her father’s town.  She proceeded to lead the indexing project of yizkor books and in 2021 became JewishGen Press Publications Manager.  JewishGen Press published 23 books in 2024.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.


Sunday, August 24, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

1:00 pm until 2:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: How I Met My Singers: A Successful Example of Genealogy Research

Speaker: Daniel Horowitz

An ongoing research project for 30+ years, Daniel’s tree covers four continents and a dozen countries; with new discoveries every year.  His most successful branch jump starts with a legacy to be verified.  Learn the tools and techniques that will help you break through on your research and reconnect with long-lost relatives.

Dedicated to genealogy since 1986, Daniel Horowitz was the teacher and the study guide editor of the family history project "Searching for My Roots" in Venezuela for 15 years.  He is involved in several crowdsource digitization and transcription projects and holds a board-level position at the Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA).  Since 2006 Daniel has worked at MyHeritage, liaising with genealogy societies, bloggers, and media as well as lecturing and attending conferences around the world.

We are pleased to welcome Daniel, but it should be noted that SFBAJGS is not endorsing MyHeritage over any other product or service.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Monday, September 8, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

5:00 pm until 6:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: Exploring the National Archives Site for Family History Research

Speaker: Marisa Louie Lee

This presentation will explain the ins and outs of federal government records and show you some of the great family history resources on the National Archives site. We'll explore the online catalog and learn how to make connections between the catalog with what's online at Ancestry, FamilySearch, and elsewhere.

Marisa Louie Lee is a professional researcher who specializes in federal government records. Having worked for the National Archives in San Francisco, she is intimately familiar with navigating the National Archives catalog and related online databases.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Sunday, October 19, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

1:00 pm until 2:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: How to Research Your Jewish Ancestors in the UK

Speaker: Jeanette R. Rosenberg OBE

This is an introductory talk about researching Jewish genealogy in the UK.  The talk covers immigration to the UK and all the major records sources, from vital records and census through to other records available.  Some of the records are specifically Jewish sources and others are not.  The talk covers England and Wales, as well as Scottish and Irish records.

Jeanette R. Rosenberg OBE is a professional genealogist and member of the UK Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives.  She holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Genealogical Studies from Strathclyde University.  A popular and knowledgeable Jewish/general genealogy speaker around the UK and abroad, Jeanette regularly researches at German archives and participates in local history seminars.  Jeanette leads for the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (JGSGB) on education/mentoring, exhibitions, outreach, and social media and chairs JGSGB’s German SIG.  A JewishGen GerSIG Director from 2009–2019, Jeanette previously led on GerSIG’s IAJGS conference arrangements. She is the genealogy representative on the ITS Oversight Committee, strategically managing Britain’s copy of the ITS Arolsen Archive.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Monday, November 17, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

4:00 pm until 5:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: Uncovering Heritage through the Periodical Source Index (PERSI)

Speaker: Allison DePrey Singleton

The Periodical Source Index (PERSI) is a valuable index of genealogy and local history articles from global newsletters and periodicals, offering unique resources for Jewish genealogy such as synagogue records, community histories, and ancestor charts.  Allison Singleton will guide you in locating PERSI, optimizing searches, and accessing article copies—an essential session for uncovering Jewish heritage through periodical research.

Allison DePrey Singleton, MA, MLS, serves as both the Genealogy Services Manager at the Genealogy Center of the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana and the President of the Indiana Genealogical Society.  As Genealogy Services Manager, she provides research consultations, leads the Center's programming efforts, oversees family history Webinars and educational initiatives, and manages a dedicated team of shelvers.  Allison has been a featured speaker at prestigious events such as the 2024 and 2020 RootsTech Conference, the 2022 and 2021 RootsTech Connect Conferences, the 2020 Indiana Library Federation Virtual Annual Conference, the 2018 Indiana Genealogical Society Conference, and numerous other conferences and seminars across the country.  In addition, she played a crucial role as Co-Chair of the 2018 Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Sunday, December 7, 2025

SFBAJGS Presentation ZOOM

Free and everyone interested is welcome.

Time and Place:

11:00 am until 12:30 pm, Pacific Time
At Your Home

Topic: Introduction to Autosomal Genetic Genealogy

Speaker: Tim Janzen, M.D.

This presentation will cover basic background about autosomal DNA and analysis of matching segment data that every genetic genealogist needs to understand. The most important features of the major autosomal DNA tests used for genealogical purposes will also be reviewed. Tim will also discuss how endogamy can complicate the analysis of autosomal DNA matching segment data.

Speaker Tim Janzen is a retired family practice doctor who lives in Portland, Oregon. He has had an interest in genealogical research for 45 years and has particularly been involved in Mennonite genealogical research for the past 25 years. He has a site ( that summarizes many different sources available for Mennonite genealogical research and has given many presentations about Mennonite genealogy in the United States and Canada. For the past 18 years Tim has been interested in using DNA analysis to help complement traditional genealogical research. Glenn Penner and he are the co-administrators of the Mennonite DNA project at Tim has a strong interest in many areas of genetic genealogy, particularly in regards to phasing and autosomal DNA analysis. He has been a consultant to the genetics company 23andMe as one of their Ancestry Ambassadors. He has also been a consultant for Family Tree DNA, MyHeritage, and He periodically gives presentations on genetic genealogy and also does private genetic genealogy consulting on a case-by-case basis. Tim is married to Rachel Janzen and they have four children. This event is co-presented by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon and the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society.

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You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Que sera sera

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